Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Winter's Dressing

Snow. Interesting timing for this TT, as we just had our first real snowfall of the season this morning. Everything had a blanket of white, unspoiled as yet by the footsteps of man or animal. The rising sun reflected off the snow on the branches, creating an almost surreal beauty of diamonds and prisms. It's was a picture-perfect postcard of a New England winter's day.

The children had school off because of the snow. Snow forts and snowmen arise, with snowballs the weapon of choice. Snow angels appear whever children (and some adults) are playing. What a treasure, seeing things through the eyes of a child, a chance to once again experience that sense of wonder and beauty.

Through The Eyes Of A Child

"Momma what's that white outside?
Shining so brightly
It hurts my eyes?"
"Why that's snow, my dear,
God's gift to us, nothing to fear."

"Can we go outside? I want to touch
That sparkling surface so very much.
Where's my coat and hat?
Mittens too, can't forget that."

It's cold out there.

"If it's a gift, can everyone share?"
"But of course, my child,
What can compare
To sharing the joy
Of the fun out there?"

"What's a snow angel?"
My little tyke asked.
"Let me show you," I said
And bent to the task.
Falling back into the snow
Arms and legs spread wide.
Then moving in rhythm,
To her suprise
An angel was there
When mom did arise.
"My turn,my turn!"
And quick as a flash
A second angel lay there
She sure learned fast.

"Now we can make people,
Come and help me
Roll these balls of snow
And soon you will see
Frosty the snowman
Arrive on the scene."

"Now we must rush
And get him a hat
A scarf and a carrot
For his nose, in a flash.
We musn't forget his eyes
Made of coal and his grin
Smiling at us for making him."

"This was so much fun
But now it's time
To go inside, where you will find
Hot Chocolate steaming
To warm you up.
And gingerbread cookies
Your blanket and pup.
Time to take a nap, my dear.
When you wake up, they'll still be there."


  1. I like your snow TT. Loved your poem! :)

  2. If they're still there when she wakes up, she's not in California. Loved this Dreamhaven. Very sweet. Very fun. Very much appealed to my inner child.

  3. I haven't 'lived' in a snowy placed for 42 years. We have snow but we have to travel to reach it and it's touristy and resorty. I do remember waking up with Jack Frost's fingernails scratched on my window and a blanket of white that fell through the night. Loved it. Then I didn't have to drive in it or shovel it from the garage. Great post.

  4. ah, you carry me back. snow was so magical as a kid, filled with some much possibilities for fun. get out and enjoy the snow today, be a kid again. happy tt!

  5. Very nice prose and accompanying poem!

  6. Lovely poem and a great post as well. It is always a pleasure visiting your blog. Happy TT

  7. Snow angels! That's something I've never done. But it sounds like fun - if only I were little again...

  8. We had snowfall (and the kids had a snow day) yesterday, too! And they do see it differently than we do!

  9. There it is! And good too! You must be psychic, Dreamhaven( we both refered to snowmen and hot cocoa )!!!

  10. Lovely post, as usual. Wishing you a wonderful day!

  11. Lovely poem...what wonderful memories a snowfall can congure up!

  12. The angels in the snow. What would a winter be without them? Lovely post. -J

  13. I missed you yesterday! Nice snowy poem. Now I'm craving some hot chocolate.

  14. Brings back some good memories even though we rarely had snow! Good poem too. Here's to many more snow memories--all good ones too.

  15. You paint such a warm and fun picture! I have to hunt down some gingerbread cookies, now!

  16. Hot chocolate and gingerbread cookies!
    A lovely post!
