Wednesday, July 28, 2010

A Long Time Past

Sometimes I'm so tired I could just scream. There have been so many changes in my life and I was letting them pull me down. This weeks theme is a great chance to pull my thoughts together and reach for the light.

Star Shining

I let the darkness take me.
It was hard to care
Enough to continue.
So many losses
Tears flowing faster
Than I could
Wipe them away.
A whisper in my ear,
My grandchildren playing,
Heard as if
They were far,far away.
The music of the earth
Muffled by my sorrow.
The wind of chance
Taking so many away.

I hid in my computer
Not wanting to face
That those I loved
Were truly gone.
As God healed my heart,
A glimmer of light shone
And slowly grew brighter.
They are not gone.
My sister is out of pain
Dancing with my Dad
And aunt in Heaven.
The others, while not related
Are waiting for me too.

I'm once again joining
The music all around me.
God's light surrounds me
Bringing comfort
To my soul.
The stars above are brighter
Than they've ever been before.
And I look forward to finding
The person God has
Put aside to make me whole.


  1. Aaaaahhh, so glad you have found light again.

  2. So sorry you have lost those you love. It's very hard. I know. But you will come back again. Just as you said.

  3. Lovely expression of your grief, Betty Fay.

  4. sorry for your loss, but i am glad the light has found you once again. happy tt!

  5. a very touching post, thanks for sharing some of your journey. It's nice to know you are seeing light again :)
    Keep strong and tender.


  6. This was sweet. Good for you to find the bright spots and keep on living happily. :)

  7. Yes...reaching for the light is good.

  8. Glad to see you bounce back and write a poem.
    lovely spirits.

  9. Very heart touching and heart warming... Glad for the light...

  10. Oh Betty, so sorry to hear about your sister, no wonder you're looking for a little light. Hearts out to you.

  11. so is that guy trying to sell you Viagra or ask you out on a Date.

    sorry just thought it was funny

    I guess after a deep poem some levity ...

    Palm's Up

    Love from the Moon my dear - know it takes alot to be vulnerable on-line

  12. It is comforting to know that you have been able to work through your loss, Betty Fay, and find resolution on the other side. You have expressed your thoughts so very well. Msy peace be with you.
